About Us




WoNEE is a national network for grassroots women willing to contribute in energy and environment sectors. The principle motto of WoNEE is to enhance economic status of women through skill and knowledge transformation. WoNEE has been involved mainly on capacity building activities on productive end use of electricity, enterprise promotion and technical skill enhancement for the economic empowerment of women. Conducting advocacy for gender responsive policies, program and budget from local to national level and raising awareness at grassroots are other key activities.

WoNEE has been working in the sector as a loose network since 2015. It was officially registered as non-profit organization under Government of Nepal in July 2018.It has more than 100 plus  local networks throughout the country at municipal level working to strengthen women's leadership and equal participation in decision-making. Similarly, local network of WoNEE focuses on local issues and advocate to allocate gender responsive program/budget for capacity building, awareness and support to vulnerable women.

WoNEE has three important governing and executive bodies, the general assembly, the national executive committee and the secretariat. The General Assembly is the highest governing body, consisting of at least one delegate from each province represented from different ethnic and marginalized communities.

WoNEE envisions to be the premier women’s network that promotes the economic and professional growth and success of women in energy and environment sector. 

Professional and socio-economic empowerment of women in energy and environment
WoNEE's mission is to advance and support the formation of the best policies, practices, products, and technology that will ensure the role of women in the energy and environment sector throughout Nepal by promoting gender-responsive energy solutions and enhancing energy-based women-led enterprises for mitigating climate change impact on disadvantaged groups and securing livelihood opportunities


Our Objectives


Advocate gender-responsive energy policy, program, budget, investment, and benefit opportunities for underrepresented women in the energy sector.

Economic Empowerment

Marginalized women and communities will have sustainable livelihoods for improved economic well-being via receiving energy-based capacity and skill development training.

Social Awareness

Grassroots women have improved electrical safety, productive use, and energy efficiency through social awareness of energy and the environment.